Tag Archives: NBC
philaDElphia NaTivE, aTlaNTa BasED, hip-hop arTisT cElEBriTy hairsTylisT & lGBT aDvocaTE, cliff vmir
From practicing on Barbie dolls to becoming a master hairstylist, breaking ground in the beauty industry with his million dollar hair empire Hym Hair, Cliff Vmir, is well on his way to the hair and music Hall of Fame.Cliff’s best … Continue reading
Mayweather co-trainer Nate Jones takes the corner
Mayweather co-trainer Nate Jones takes the corner for Adrien Broner and is the subject of new reality TV series ‘Undefeated Las Vegas, Nevada (June, 2015) – Mayweather co-trainer Nate Jones takes the lead spot for Floyd Jr.’s “Lil Bro” … Continue reading
All Washed Up at The Grammys
If you watched The 56th Annual Grammys this weekend, you probably also watched the barrage of memes that were created simultaneously of hip hop’s royalty, Jay- Z and Beyonce. Prior to The Grammys, the power couple seemed virtually (pun intended) … Continue reading